Housing potential at Alexandra Dock takes a step forward

Housing potential at Alexandra Dock takes a step forward

Proposals for a new housing development in the centre of Grimsby will be taken forward following today’s Cabinet meeting.

The Town Centre Masterplan identified the Alexandra Dock area as a major asset for Grimsby, with significant potential for it to be used in a more intensive way, including development of a major residential district, which takes advantage of access to the water space and key improvements to the nearby spaces and facilities available.

Brownfield land near Alexandra Dock was identified in the Grimsby Town Centre Masterplan as a key area that could be used to generate that new housing stock.

Cllr Philip Jackson, leader of the council, said: “Our main objective of this work is to create a place that connects the town and its community with its waterside, creating a fantastic urban living environment that’s kind to the planet.

“There’s a long way to go yet, and developments of this scale don’t happen overnight. We are working to improve the town centre as a whole, including increasing the leisure offer with our redevelopment of the western end of Freshney Place, and, through other Towns Fund projects, changing how the town is used as a whole.”

The first housing phase is proposed to be the site behind the Onside Youth Zone, accessible from Fisherman’s Wharf. The area was put forward, and formed part of, the Towns Fund projects that were agreed with Government in 2020/21.

Significant recent work has been done with Homes England to consider how the opportunities for the area might be taken forward. The council has managed to secure funding from Homes England, which has funded initial studies into the potential regeneration of Alexandra Dock.  

Further discussions are ongoing to try to secure additional funding for initial technical studies required to progress the plans for the area, and to start the procurement of a development partner to work with the council on this scheme.

Alongside this, it’s planned to submit a bid to the Brownfield Land Release Fund, administered by One Public Estate (a locally-led partnership in partnership with DLUHC, funding works to regenerate public sector owned land and buildings). If secured, this money would increase the available budget to help deliver higher quality ultra-low-carbon homes.

Some initial land remediation work will be done this year to begin preparing the site for future phases of the work. Public will be able to have their say about the plans as the project develops.

About Towns Fund – Town Deals

On 27 July 2019, the Prime Minister announced that the Towns Fund would support an initial 101 places across England to develop Town Deal proposals, to drive economic regeneration and deliver long-term economic and productivity growth. See further details of the announcement.

A Town Deal is an agreement in principle between government, the Lead Council and the Town Deal Board. It will set out a vision and strategy for the town, and what each party agrees to do to achieve this vision.

For more information, view https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/business-and-investment/town-deal/

Article and image from NELC.

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