Shutter art on North Prom

Shutter art on North Prom

The colours of seaside arcades and funfairs make up the latest shutter art design as work progresses on creating a unique walking gallery along Cleethorpes’ North Prom.

Three businesses now have original artwork adorning their shutters – Brown’s Café, Walkers Total Fitness and now The Chippy at 187 North Prom. These will be followed by more in the coming weeks.

The Chippy’s art is the creation of Northern Lincolnshire artist Gill Hobson, whose work is known at festivals and in galleries across the UK and internationally – she is currently developing a new collection that will tour the country.

“I was really pleased to submit ideas for the project. I’m usually showing live artworks in major UK cities so the opportunity to create something for my own locality is great,” said Gill.

“My design combines colours of the arcades and funfair with my own light installation designs, playing with the contrasts of dark and light. I am now really looking forward to seeing how different artists approach the site,” she added.

Business owners of The Chippy were equally as pleased: “After living and having businesses here for more than 30 years, it is wonderful that the North Prom is now getting attention. The artwork is fantastic,” said Dorann Manders, whose sister Keely Sheeran runs The Chippy. The family also has Scoops, which Doraan runs, and Candiland.

The creation of the walking gallery along the North Prom is part of the creative regeneration project underway in that area of the resort.

With financial support from the Coastal Communities Fund, North East Lincolnshire Council and CoastNEL, which represents the private, cultural and third sectors, the scheme is being managed by the council’s regeneration partner ENGIE. The gallery is the first part of the plan, which also includes the installation of the ‘White Palm’ and new lighting and street furniture.

Article and image from NELC.

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