Ernest Worrall: A town at war

Ernest Worrall: A town at war

As part of the annual celebration of heritage, paintings by Ernest Worrall will be on display for the first time in many years.

In 1943 Grimsby Borough Council commissioned Ernest Worrall to create a series of paintings recording the impact of the Second World War on Grimsby. As a major port, the docks were used to convert fishing boats into armed vessels. This made the area a key target and it was bombed heavily throughout the War. Worrall captured scenes of bomb damage and wartime activity on the docks, creating beautiful yet heart-breaking scenes of the destruction inflicted on the town.

The paintings are from the collections of North East Lincolnshire Museum Service, and will be on show at Cleethorpes Town Hall from 14 September to 20 September (closed Sunday 15 Sept) during opening hours.

Councillor Callum Procter, Cabinet member for heritage, said: “Heritage open days are a great way of seeing things you’d not normally see. I’ve asked for 18 artworks that have not been on display locally for many years to be brought together for this special exhibition – they’ll be well worth seeing.”

Heritage open days are your once-a-year chance to discover some of North East Lincolnshire’s rarely seen historic treasures, with exciting experiences that bring local history and culture to life, for free as part of an international event!

This year, exciting venues being opened to the public for free include the Empire Theatre in Cleethorpes and areas of the Kasbah rarely seen. Other attractions, like Cleethorpes Town Hall, the Time Trap in Grimsby Town Hall and Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre will be open for free too.

Councillor Procter added: “Pledge 8 of our manifesto was to display North East Lincolnshire’s historic artefacts and we have made great  progress in delivering on this by releasing 18 Worrall paintings.”

Copy and picture courtesy of NELC.

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